
Then suddenly everything was just like jazz: it happened in one insane second or so: I looked up and saw Japhy running down the mountain in huge twenty-foot leaps, running, leaping, landing with a great drive of his booted heels, bouncing five feet or so, running, then taking another long crazy yelling yodelaying sail down the sides of the world and in that flash I realized it’s impossible to fall off mountains you fool and with a yodel of my own I suddenly got up and began running down the mountain after him doing exactly the same huge leaps, the same fantastic runs and jumps, and in the space of about five minutes I’d guess Japhy Ryder and I . . . leaping and yelling like mountain goats or I’d say like Chinese lunatics of a thousand years ago. . . . In fact with one of my greatest leaps and loudest screams of joy I came flying right down to the edge of the lake and dug my sneakered heels into the mud and just fell sitting there, glad. Japhy was already taking his shoes off and pouring sand and pebbles out. It was great. I took off my sneakers and poured out a couple of buckets of lava dust and said "Ah Japhy you taught me the final lesson of them all, you can’t fall off a mountain."

-Jack Kerouac. The Dharma Bums. 1958.

You Can't Fall Off A Mountain is an art & music collective dedicated to share the works of up and coming artists and musicians, as well as provide a daily dose of inspiration through image, video and sound. Take some time to thoroughly explore the site. Enjoy!

-Luke Fuller. You Can't Fall Off A Mountain. 2010.

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